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repluck, wgpluck2

     ar    wgpluck2   iplk, xam, icps, kpick, krefl
     ar    repluck    iplk, xam, icps, kpick, krefl, axcite


wgpluck2 is an implementation of the physical model of the plucked string, with control over the pluck point, the pickup point and the filter.  repluck is the same operation, but with an additional audio signal used to excite the 'string'. Both opcodes are based on the Karplus-Strong algorithms.


icps - The string plays at icps pitch.

iplck - The point of pluck is iplk, which is a fraction of the way up the string (0 to 1).  A pluck point of zero means no initial pluck.


xamp is the gain. and kpick is what proportion of the way along the string to sample the output.  The relection at the bridge is controlled by the reflection coefficient krefl, where 1 means total reflection and 0 is totally dead.


John ffitch
University of Bath/Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK

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