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   a1  voice   kamp, kfreq, kphoneme, kform, kvibf, kvamp, ifn, ivfn


An emulation of a human voice.


ifn, ivfn -- two table numbers containing the carrier wave form and the vibrato waveform. The files impuls20.aiff, ahh.aiff eee.aiff or ooo.aiff are suitable for the first of these, and a sine wave for the second.


 kamp - Amplitude of note.

kfreq - Frequency of note played. It can be varied in performance.

kphoneme - an integer in the range 0 to 16, which select the formants for the sounds:

At present the phonemes

are not available (!)

kform - Gain on the phoneme.  values 0.0 to 1.2 recommended.

kvibf - frequency of vibrato in Hertz. Suggested range is 0 to 12

kvamp - amplitude of the vibrato


John ffitch
University of Bath, Codemist Ltd.
Bath, UK

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