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kdump, kdump2, kdump3, kdump4, kread, kread2, kread3, kread4

k1           kread   ifilname, iformat, iprd[, interp] (not implemented)
k1,k2        kread2  ifilname, iformat, iprd[, interp]    "    "
k1,k2,k3     kread3  ifilname, iformat, iprd[, interp]    "    "
k1,k2,k3, k4 kread4  ifilname, iformat, iprd[, interp]    "    "
             kdump   ksig, ifilname, iformat, iprd
             kdump2  ksig1, ksig2, ifilname, iformat, iprd
             kdump3  ksig1, ksig2, ksig3, ifilname, iformat, iprd
             kdump4  ksig1, ksig2, ksig3, ksig4, ifilname, iformat, iprd


Periodically write orchestra control-signal values to a named external file in a specific format.


ifilname - character string(in double quotes, saces ermitted ) denoting the external file name. May either be a full path name with target directory specified or a simple filename to be created within the current directory

iformat - specifies the output data format:

Note that A-law and U-law ouput are not availble,and that all formats except the lsat two are binary. The outpu file contains no header information.

iprd - the period of ksig output i seconds, rounded to the nearest orchestra control period. A value of 0 implies one control period (the enforced minimum), which will create an ouput file sampled at the orchestra control rate.

interp (optional) - if non-zero, and iprd implies more than one control period, interpolate the k- signals between the periodic reads from the external file. The default value is 0 (repeat each signal between frames).


These units allow up to four generated control signal values to be read or saved in a named external file. The file contains no self-defining header information, but is a regularly sampled time series, suitable for later input or analysis. There may be any number of kread units in an instrument or orchestra, and they may read from the same or different files. There may be any number of kdump units in an instrument or orchestra, but each must write to a different file.


knum  =        knum+1         ; at each k-perio
ktemp tempest  krms, .02, .1, 3, 2, 800, .005, 0, 60, 4, .1, .995 
                              ;estimate the tempo
koct  specptrk wsig, 6, .9, 0 ;and the pitch
      kdump3   knum, ktemp, cpsoct(koct), "what happened when", 8 0 
                              ;& save them

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