apt-get install tcl8.3 tcl8.3-dev
tk8.3 tk8.3-dev libfltk1 libfltk1-dev
apt-get install sox rosegarden audacity
apt-get install xsox audacity-cvs
tar xzf cecilia-2.0.5.tar.gz
cd cecilia-2.0.5
su -
make install
file, if you use csh or tcsh, in your home directory: setenv CEC_LIBRARY ~/cecilia
if you use sh, ksh,
or bash CEC_LIBRARY=~/cecilia;
wget http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/newest/csound-4.23-1.i386.rpm
rpm -i csound-4.23-1.i386.rpm
tar xzf cecilia-2.0.5.tar.gz
cd cecilia-2.0.5
su -
make install
file, if you use csh or tcsh, in your home directory: setenv CEC_LIBRARY ~/cecilia
if you use sh, ksh,
or bash CEC_LIBRARY=~/cecilia;
setenv CEC_LIBRARY <where the cecilia directory
will be found>
tar xzf cecilia-2.0.5.tar.gz
cd cecilia-2.0.5
su -
make install
file, if you use csh or tcsh, in your home directory: setenv CEC_LIBRARY ~/cecilia
if you use sh, ksh,
or bash CEC_LIBRARY=~/cecilia;
If you did nothing upon unpacking the self-extracting archive file (the file you downloaded), then Cecilia should have installed itself to the folder "c:\cecilia". Unless you have a very unusual windows setup, cecilia should work (but see the next section on configuration). No restart is necessary. Simple go to the folder "c:\cecilia" and double-click on the file "Cecilia" (the icon of which looks like, and is, a shortcut). Notice there is also a shortcut for the Cecilia Manual, which will call up the html documentation in your web browser.
If you really would like to put Cecilia somewhere other than "C:\cecilia", then you'll need to adjust the target and start-in fields of the cecilia shortcut. If that's sounds vague, then best stick to having cecilia at "C:\cecilia".
Once you've launched cecilia, set the preferences from the file menu. The first two fields, "Winsound Exec" and "Csound Exec" are crucial; these should already point to the winsound.exe and csound.exe files that came with cecilia. Use the "set..." buttons to choose the right files if you need. The third field, "Soundfile Player:" should point to anything you'd like to use to play sound files. I like winamp (see below).
**** ALSO check that the fields "Temporary f:" and "SoundOut f:" point to a real folders. For example, win2000 users will likely need to change that to "c:\winnt\temp" or something. You'll get errors if this isn't right, and you won't be able to quit, so double check that.
Also in preferences, choose an "html viewer" with it's set button; browse to and choose your install of IExplorer or Netscape. This will allow the help system to function.
You may wish to set the default location of directories which Cecilia searchs in for soundfiles, analysis files, and snap shots, but it'll work without doing so.
**** From the Csound menu, set your OS from the sub menu at the bottom.
For a simple sound player/editor I recommend Audacity, available from our Cecilia website and set to install and interface right with Cecilia. Once you've called Audacity from Cecilia with one of the play buttons, you can leave Audacity open, and it won't interfere with Cecilia being able to output to the DAC, and it won't hog the audio driver, so you can open a soundfile editor (like Cool Edit!) and use all three concurrently.
If you do download a new version of csound for cecilia, be sure to get both the winsound.exe and csound.exe console version (not the DOS version, which does look similar but does not support long files names). Both are required for Cecilia to work. These are usually titled csound_win.zip and csound_con.zip, respectively.
The html entrance to where csound is: http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/~jpff/dream.html
the ftp location: ftp://earth.cs.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/
CECILIA v2.0 was developed by the authors on the following platforms:
It has since been developed and/or tested by the maintainers on the following platforms:
Copyright © Jean Piché and Alexandre Burton, 1995-98 | Last modified: Fri Feb 21 17:57:53 EST 2003 |