print iarg[, iarg,...] display xsig, iprd[, iwtflg] dispfft xsig, iprd, iwsiz[, iwtyp][, idbouti][, iwtflg]
iwsiz - size of the input window in samples. A window of iwsiz points will produce a Fourier transform of iwsiz/2 points, spread linearly in frequency from 0 to sr/2. iwsiz must be a power of 2, with a minimum of of 16 and a maximum of 4096. The windows are permitted to overlap.
iwtyp (optional) - window type. 0 = rectangular, 1 = hanning. The default value is 0 (rectangular).
idbout (optional) - units of output for the Fourier coefficients. 0 = magnitude, 1 = decibels. The default is 0 (magnitude).
iwtflg (optional) - wait flag. If non-zero, each display is held until released by the user. The default value is 0 (no wait).
display - display the audio or control signal xsig every iprd seconds, as an amplitude vs. time graph.
dispfft - display the Fourier Transform of an audio or control signal (asig or ksig) every iprd seconds using the Fast Fourier Transform method.
k1 envlpx l, .03, p3, .05, l, .5, .0l ; generate a note envelope display k1, p3 ; and display entire shape