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Cybil commands

The Cybil composition language
Cybil general syntax
Cybil example
Cybil functions
Examples of Cybil command lines 

Cybil commands

A Cybil command generates data over a given number of events or a given period of time, according to a specific algorithm. The general syntax is:
{algorithm duration} [ operator {function} ]
Each algorithm must be given between the "{ }" brackets. The operator and function are part of the command but are optional. If present, the results of the command will be operated on by the given function.

 Duration can be specified in two ways:

  1. A single number indicates the command will be in function for a number of events.
  2. A single number followed immediately with a s indicates the command will be in function for a number of seconds.
The legal Cybil algorithms are:
description   algo        syntax
___________   __     _________________________________

sequence      sq     {sq val1 val2 val3....duration(s)}
line          li     {li min max duration(s)}
exponential   lo     {lo min max duration(s)} 
tendency mask ma     {ma f/i min1 min2 max1 max2 duration(s)}
graph         gr     {gr name_of_graph duration(s)}