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The  CECILIA scores


There are four types of scores:


  1. Any legal ordinary Csound score. A tcl evaluation is performed where any CECILIA [variable] is substituted with the current value of the interface's objects. The score is then passed on to Csound.


  3. #minimum

  4. If the score begins on the first line with and contains only the word minimum preceded by a sharp sign, CECILIA produces a score containing a single note on i1 starting at time 0 and lasting for the duration equal to the longest duration of all active input soundfiles (see filein object), OR, the duration specified by a slider specifically named "total_time" or "duree_totale" .


  5. #cyb

  6. If the score begins on the first line with the word "cyb" preceded by a sharp sign, the following lines will be interpreted as a Cybil score. See the accompanying help file on Cybil.


  7. #tcl

  8. If the score begins on the first line with the word tcl preceded by a sharp sign, the following lines will be interpreted as a tcl program. Any tcl procedure or program will be interpreted and a score will be compiled and then passed on to Csound. To do this, it is useful to know that the array "value" contains all the current values of the interface objects. Hence, $value(offset1) will contain the current time-based value of a graph (or slider) named "offset1" . Two possible ways of doing this:
            ---- simple example ---
            set dummy "
                i1 $value(offset1) $value(duree1) 
                i1 $value(offset1) $value(duree1)
            ---- more complex ---
            proc whatever {} {
                global value soundOutInfo
                #code tcl complexe
            proc more {} {
                global value
                #encore +!
            proc makeScore {} {
                #blah blah