ktemp tempest kin, iprd, imindur, imemdur, ihp, ithresh, \ ihtim, ixfdbak, istartempo, ifn[, idisprd, itweek]
imindur - minimum duration (in seconds) to serve as a unit of tempo. Typically about .2 seconds.
imemdur - duration (in seconds) of the kin short-term memory buffer which will be scanned for periodic patterns. Typically about 3 seconds.
ihp - half-power point (in cps) of a low-pass filter used to smooth input kin prior to other processing. This will tend to suppress activity that moves much faster. Typically 2 cps.
ithresh- loudness threshold by which the low-passed kin is center-clipped before being placed in the short-term buffer as tempo-relevant data. Typically at the noise floor of the incoming data.
ihtim - half-time (in seconds) of an internal forward-masking filter that masks new kin data in the presence of recent, louder data. Typically about .005 seconds.
ixfdbak - proportion of this unit's anticipated value to be mixed with the incoming kin prior to all processing. Typically about .3.
istartempo - initial tempo (in beats per minute). Typically 60.
ifn - table number of a stored function (drawn left-to-right) by which the short-term memory data is attenuated over time.
idisprd (optional) - if non-zero, display the short-term past and future buffers every idisprd seconds (normally a multiple of iprd). The default value is 0 (no display).
itweek (optional) - fine-tune adjust this unit so that it is stable when analyzing events controlled by its own output. The default value is 1 (no change).
This unit is useful for sensing the metric implications of any k-signal (e.g- the RMS of an audio signal, or the second derivative of a conducting gesture), before sending to a tempo statement.
ksum specsum wsignal, 1 ; sum the amps of a spectrum ktemp tempest ksum, .02, .1, 3, 2, 800, .005, 0, 60, 4, .1, .995 ; and look for beats